
Based on everyday experience, we gain better understanding of certain concepts and sometimes get new ideas/approaches to address some commonly required use cases. It may be in the field of technology or functioning of a business process or simply any topic of personal interest. But most often these thoughts are lost, if they are not documented on a regular basis or not implemented.

So this website is a central place to record my understandings on topics of interest and also to share with others. This also provides an opportunity for me to get feedback and learn from others having better knowledge/experience.


This website is hosted using GitHub Pages that allows web pages to be published from a GitHub repository. Although there are many free sites available for publishing content/blogs, GitHub Pages is a natural choice as my projects are hosted on GitHub. Following are some of it’s advantages:

  • Simple and familiar workflow via Git & Github
  • Quick and easy updates (takes few seconds to change, commit, push)
  • Can add/update content while offline (thanks to Git and Hugo)

GitHub Pages are powered by Jekyll behind the scenes, which is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites. This website was initially created using a Jekyll theme, but it has been now migrated to use the Hugo framework.

Hugo and Bulma CSS:

Hugo is a static HTML and CSS website generator. It takes a directory with content and layout templates and renders them into a full HTML website. The installation is easy, as a single hugo binary needs to be in the path and no other dependencies are required. Many themes are also available to get started quickly.

The design/layout of this website is created, without using any existing theme, so that it can be simple and easy to maintain. It is developed using the Bulma CSS framework and Font Awesome icons. Making use of the modular structure of Bulma, a custom CSS is created for this website, with only required classes and few extensions. And a small subset of icons, used in this website, is generated by tree shaking the Font Awesome icon library with Rollup.js.

Final thoughts: Documenting any idea properly, requires much greater analysis and logically well structured presentation. A persistent effort is needed and more time should be allocated as well. I understand it to be a difficult task but still hope to put efforts and make it a regular practice.

Status: Currently Hugo layout design here and the content used to generate this website, is maintained as an internal project. And the generated output is available as GitHub Project. If you have any feedback about it’s design / contents, post your comments here.